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Students Wake Up to Financial Literacy
On a Saturday morning, it’s hard to compete for the attention of a teenager, who would rather be asleep. But Joseph A. Petruzzelli of ITHINK Financial Federal Credit Union did his best to capture the attention and interest of the Black History Study Palm Beach...
What African history is hidden within Riverbend Park?
Standing in the nature of Jupiter’s Riverbend Park on a Saturday morning, the students of the Black History Education program were encouraged to use their smartphones.Instead of prohibiting their use, the instructor astutely recognized how to invite the young...
It’s the Holidays! Spady Cultural Heritage Museum Celebrates Kwanzaa, Dr. King and Black History Month
Delray Beach, FL – November 22, 2024 – The Spady Cultural Heritage Museum celebrates the holidays for the next three months with community programs, cultural fundraisers and a month devoted to Black History. Dec. 26, 2024: Kwanzaa Celebration 2-5 p.m. 170...
Bringing People Together
Dedicated to discovering, collecting and sharing the Black history and heritage of Palm Beach County.